On Dec 15, 2012, at 12:03 PM, Durand Toto wrote:
> Hi all,
> I wanted to let you know that this issue (which seemed a buffering problem,
> delaying the arrival of the end of tape message to bacula) seems to have been
> fixed by an update of my sas hba card drivers.
> The issue was differently reported in btape (the overall message saying it is
> OK) and in actual runs so maybe some caution is required there in
> interpreting the results of btape fill (which I ran in 'm' mode).
> I now still have an error message during runs although with an empty
> description:
> Wrote label to prelabeled Volume "0028L5" on device "LTO5" (/dev/nst0)
> Error:
> alzymr-dir Using Device "LTO5"
> alzymr-sd
> Error:
> alzymr-sd Wrote label to prelabeled Volume "0029L5" on device "LTO5"
> (/dev/nst0)
> I admit that I am at a loss there. If anyone's got an idea it's welcome.
> I hope this will help someone.
> Best,
> Gnewbee
I highly recommend a manual fill test.
Fill the tape with a backup that spans two tapes.
Restore. Compare.
Any errors?
That's the true test to see if the problem exists.
Dan Langille - http://langille.org
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