On 2012-10-09 08:33, Durand Toto wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have an issue when changing between tapes, which provides the
> following message:
>  >         Error: Re-read last block at EOT failed.
> ERR=block.c:1029 Read zero
>  > bytes at 818:0 on device "LTO5" (/dev/nst0).
> I tried btape
> *test : all tests succeeded
> *autochanger : all tests succeeded
> * fill :
> I get a labelling error
>            Error: 08-Oct 20:16 btape JobId 0: Wrote label to
> prelabeled Volume "TestVolume2" on device "LTO5" (/dev/nst0)
>  Something that makes no sense

Agreed.  But I am sure it made sense to whoever coded it.

FYI, it seems normal an expected.  Here is the output from my fill 


>            Error: 08-Oct 20:18 btape JobId 0: Ready to read
> from volume "TestVolume1" on device "LTO5" (/dev/nst0).

That seems normal.

> but more importantly I still get
>            Error: block.c:1029 Read zero bytes at 0:0 on
> device "LTO5" (/dev/nst0).

It seems to be OK.

>  However, the test seems happy:
>            The last block on the second tape matches. Test
> succeeded.
> Could you please suggest some troubleshooting ideas ?

So far, I don't see anything that indicates trouble.  Perhaps others 
can see something.

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