This is NOT true, you will then delete all files wihch wasn't modified since last backup :)
______________________________________________________________ > Od: "Ferdinando Pasqualetti" <> > Komu: <> > Dátum: 17.10.2012 11:32 > Predmet: [Bacula-users] Rif: Re: Rif: Re: Linux inotify > >I don't know how exactly "Accurate backup" works, but I believe that if >you put il the list of files to be copied a file wich is not there >anymore, it should be recorded as "deleted" in the incremental backup and >deleted in the recovery process. > > > > > >-------------------------------------------------------------------------- >Ferdinando Pasqualetti >G.T.Dati srl >Tel. 0557310862 - 3356172731 - Fax 055720143 > > > > > >Da: "azurIt" <> >Per: <> >Data: 17/10/2012 11.16 >Oggetto: Re: [Bacula-users] Rif: Re: Linux inotify > > > >Hi, > >I don't believe this will work as expected. For example, you don't have a >way how to tell to Director about deleted files. Or am I wrong? > >azur > > > >______________________________________________________________ >> Od: "Ferdinando Pasqualetti" <> >> Komu: <> >> Dátum: 17.10.2012 09:52 >> Predmet: [Bacula-users] Rif: Re: Linux inotify >> >>Hi Bacula users, >>I do not know how linux inotify works, but from your posts I think it is >>somewhat triggered by a file modification on the client. >>If thi is the case you can just record the filenames in a list and then >>use the "|" the use a script in the file selection. >>The script may also be on the client and a RunBefore script could make >>some editing (eliminating dups or whatever). >> >> >> >>-------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>Ferdinando Pasqualetti >>G.T.Dati srl >>Tel. 0557310862 - 3356172731 - Fax 055720143 >> >> >> >> >> >>Da: "azurIt" <> >>Per: >>Cc: <> >>Data: 16/10/2012 19.51 >>Oggetto: Re: [Bacula-users] Linux inotify >> >> >> >>> >>>are there any plans to implement linux inotify selection of files to >>backup? Thnx. >>> >>>I'm curious how one would implement such a feature alongside the current > >>mechanism for selecting files. I'm guessing that any time an inotify >>event comes through for the file, that the Bacula File Daemon would add >>this file to a table. Then once per minute, or once per five minutes, >>Bacula File Daemon will match all the files in the table stored in memory > >>against the FileSet Definition? >>> >>>However, I thought the FileSet Definition is stored on the Bacula >>Director (not the client). So maybe once per minute or once per five >>minutes the FileDaemon will have some communication with the Director? >>> >>>Hope I'm not polluting the list, I have always been curious about this >>same type of feature myself. >>> >>>Bryan >>> >> >> >>There are many ways how this can be done. Director can, for example, >>notify FileDaemon everytime a FileSet is changed. FileDaemon can store >>changes in SQLite database, storing in memory can be quite expensive. >> >>Feature like this can _rapidly_ speed up the backup process. >> >>azur >> >>------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>Don't let slow site performance ruin your business. Deploy New Relic APM >>Deploy New Relic app performance management and know exactly >>what is happening inside your Ruby, Python, PHP, Java, and .NET app >>Try New Relic at no cost today and get our sweet Data Nerd shirt too! >> >>_______________________________________________ >>Bacula-users mailing list >> >> >> >> >>N.B. Le informazioni contenute in questa comunicazione sono riservate e >>destinate esclusivamente alla/e persona/e o alla società/ente sopra >>indicati. E' vietato ai soggetti diversi dai destinatari qualsiasi uso, >>copia, diffusione di quanto in esso contenuto sia ai sensi dell'art. 616 >>c.p., sia ai sensi del D.lgs n. 196/03. 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