>are there any plans to implement linux inotify selection of files to backup? 
>I'm curious how one would implement such a feature alongside the current 
>mechanism for selecting files.  I'm guessing that any time an inotify event 
>comes through for the file, that the Bacula File Daemon would add this file to 
>a table.  Then once per minute, or once per five minutes, Bacula File Daemon 
>will match all the files in the table stored in memory against the FileSet 
>However, I thought the FileSet Definition is stored on the Bacula Director 
>(not the client).  So maybe once per minute or once per five minutes the 
>FileDaemon will have some communication with the Director?
>Hope I'm not polluting the list, I have always been curious about this same 
>type of feature myself.

There are many ways how this can be done. Director can, for example, notify 
FileDaemon everytime a FileSet is changed. FileDaemon can store changes in 
SQLite database, storing in memory can be quite expensive.

Feature like this can _rapidly_ speed up the backup process.


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