Forwarding to the list for now. If no one answers this I will try to
do so later.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rao, Uthra R. (GSFC-672.0)[ADNET SYSTEMS INC] <>
Date: Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 12:01 PM
Subject: RE: [Bacula-users] job expiration question
To: John Drescher <>


I wanted to try something to get my 2TB tapes recycle faster.

Current configuration:

pool {
  name = server-archive
  Pool Type = Backup
  Autoprune = no
  Recycle = no
  Volume Retention = 10 years

To the above configuration I want to add "Volume Use Duration = 1
month" so that the tape will be used for 1 month and then will get
"FULL" status though it Is not really FULL. Once the tape is in FULL
status the 3 months retention period starts and after 3 months the
tape is recycled and can be reused. By doing this I don't have to
change the retention period but I will have a FULL back-up every 1+3
months (4months). Currently the tape is taking 3 months to fill up and
another 3 months for the retention period (3+3=6 months).

Please advise.

Thank you.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Drescher []
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 1:23 PM
To: Rao, Uthra R. (GSFC-672.0)[ADNET SYSTEMS INC]; bacula-users
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] job expiration question

> Thank you for taking the time to explain this.
You are welcome.

> I want to make sure I have understood this correctly before I proceed:
> 1. change the retention period for my "desktop" pool from 3 months to 1 week 
> in the bacula-dir.conf file so that it is applied to new volumes in future.
> 2.  In bconsole -> update-> Pool from resource -> desktop ( to update 
> existing volumes only in the desktop pool).
> 3. In bconsole select volumes (desktop pool) and mark them Full or Used. Then 
>  the 1 week retention period start from the time the volume gets FULL.
> 4. After 1 week the jobs on this tape will expire and the FULL backup of the 
> clients will automatically kick in.

 No jobs will expire and a full backup will not automatically kick in.
Both of these will happen some time after the volume is recycled. See
my answer to the next question.

> 5. Once the tape is expired it is not recycled automatically. If there is 
> another tape in the APPEND status in the pool it will use that tape. Only if 
> next time bacula needs a volume and has none in the append state it will use 
> the tape with expired retention period.
After a volume is recycled all jobs on that volume are expired. If the
next incremental or differential backup is scheduled for a client and
there are no full backups left the differential or incremental will be
promoted to a full backup.


John M. Drescher

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