> Not in my experience. AFAICT, all my Bacula installations have always
> checked the use duration of all volumes, and updated the status of
> those volumes who had exceeded it to "Used", at the beginning of every
> job, and on assorted other occasions as well. My guess would be that
> you reduced the "use duration" parameter for your pool, but not for
> the volumes that you had already added to the pool at that time. In
> that case, those volume will have retained the old "use duration"
> value. You can check that with the bconsole command "llist volumes".

That's actually a pretty good hint ... I'll update the pool information 
in the database and on the tape once more, maybe someone (possibly 
myself) screwed up when the configuration changed :)

Thanks to everyone for you help! It's very appreciated :)

Best Regards,


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