On 07/26/12 02:35, Sven Tegethoff wrote:
> On 25.07.2012 17:50, Phil Stracchino wrote:
>> i think we need to understand more about the use cycle for these
>> volumes. Are these weekly tapes written to once per week with a single
>> job or set of jobs, or are they continuously appended to over the
>> course of a week? 
> Let's just take a look at the daily backups, and only those that fit on
> one tape. (My problem is not limited to those, but it'll make it simpler
> to explain.)
> There is a SET of jobs for every night, backing up different machines to
> the same tape one after another. The next morning, the tape is being
> swapped out for the next day's tape. Tapes are supposed to be re-used
> every week, so there is a "monday" tape, a "tuesday" tape, and so on,
> and the old expired backup from the preceeding week that's still on it
> is supposed to be automatically overwritten.
> However, when the last job of the night finishes, and there's still room
> on the tape, bacula will leave the volume in "appendable" state.  And
> when the tape is re-inserted the next week to be overwritten, bacula
> insists to append to it - no matter what the "max use duration" and the
> volume retention period is. And the only way to prevent this is to
> manually update the volume status to "used".
> This is actually documented. Why "max use duration" won't work is
> described in
> http://www.bacula.org/5.0.x-manuals/en/main/main/Configuring_Director.html
> Quote: "The use duration is checked and the *Used* status is set only at
> the end of a job that writes to the particular volume".

The following is a relevant Pool definition from my configuration:

Pool {
  Name = Incr-Disk
  Storage = babylon4-file
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = no
  Recycle Oldest Volume = no
  Recycle Current Volume = no
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Retention = 1 month
  Maximum Volume Jobs = 0
  Volume Use Duration = 23h
  Label Format =
  RecyclePool = Scratch

And here's the beginning of the log from the first job to run last night:

26-Jul 04:30 babylon4-dir JobId 1306: shell command: run BeforeJob
"/opt/bacula/sbin/checkhost babylon4"
26-Jul 04:30 babylon4-dir JobId 1306: BeforeJob: Client babylon4 has
26-Jul 04:30 babylon4-dir JobId 1306: Start Backup JobId 1306,
26-Jul 04:30 babylon4-dir JobId 1306: Max configured use duration=82,800
sec. exceeded. Marking Volume "INCR-20120725-04:30" as
26-Jul 04:30 babylon4-dir JobId 1306: Created new Volume
"INCR-20120726-04:30" in catalog.
26-Jul 04:30 babylon4-dir JobId 1306: Using Device "FileStorage"
26-Jul 04:30 babylon4-sd JobId 1306: Labeled new Volume
"INCR-20120726-04:30" on device "FileStorage" (/spool/bacula).
26-Jul 04:30 babylon4-sd JobId 1306: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume
"INCR-20120726-04:30" on device "FileStorage"

The volume INCR-20120725-04:30 was created yesterday morning.  This
morning Bacula went to start the job, checked the volume, determined it
had exceeded its use duration, marked it used, and created a new one.
For me, this Just Works.  If you're doing the same thing, I don't
understand why it's not working for you.

  Phil Stracchino, CDK#2     DoD#299792458     ICBM: 43.5607, -71.355
  ala...@caerllewys.net   ala...@metrocast.net   p...@co.ordinate.org
  Renaissance Man, Unix ronin, Perl hacker, SQL wrangler, Free Stater
                 It's not the years, it's the mileage.

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