In the message dated: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 21:31:26 EDT,
The pithy ruminations from Dan Langille on
<[Bacula-users] multiple volumes moved from scratch pool> were:
=> I just saw this job move multiple volumes from the scratch pool into another
I've had that happen repeatedly, most recently as about 15 minutes ago.
The sequence of events seems to be:
bacula requests a tape from the Scratch pool
the tape is assigned to the correct pool (Incremental,
for example)
for some reason, the tape is marked as "Full" even though
no data is written and the tape is never loaded
the process then repeats
At this moment, the tapes in our library show:
Choose a query (1-41): 15
| 935 | 003152 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 1 | Scratch | LTO2 | Append |
| 903 | 003132 | 0.0000 | ml6000 | 2 | Scratch | LTO2 | Append |
| 815 | 003059 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 3 | Incremental | LTO2 | Full |
| 858 | 003087 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 4 | Incremental | LTO2 | Full |
| 814 | 003058 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 5 | Incremental | LTO2 | Full |
| 844 | 003076 | 800.4635 | ml6000 | 6 | Incremental | LTO2 | Full |
| 758 | 003010 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 7 | Incremental | LTO2 | Full |
| 757 | 003011 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 8 | Incremental | LTO2 | Full |
| 756 | 003012 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 9 | Incremental | LTO2 | Full |
| 760 | 003026 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 10 | Scratch | LTO2 | Append |
| 782 | 003038 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 11 | Scratch | LTO2 | Append |
| 714 | 000365 | 597.9465 | ml6000 | 12 | Archive | LTO2 | Append |
| 819 | 003050 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 13 | Full | LTO2 | Append |
| 871 | 003107 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 14 | Incremental | LTO2 | Full |
| 878 | 003100 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 15 | Incremental | LTO2 | Full |
| 877 | 003101 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 16 | Incremental | LTO2 | Full |
| 872 | 003106 | 0.0000 | ml6000 | 17 | Scratch | LTO2 | Append |
| 867 | 003112 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 18 | Incremental | LTO2 | Full |
| 869 | 003116 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 19 | Incremental | LTO2 | Full |
| 752 | 003008 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 20 | Incremental | LTO2 | Full |
| 859 | 003086 | 0.0000 | ml6000 | 21 | Scratch | LTO2 | Purged |
| 753 | 003007 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 22 | Incremental | LTO2 | Full |
| 759 | 003009 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 23 | Incremental | LTO2 | Full |
| 906 | 003136 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 24 | Incremental | LTO2 | Full |
| 901 | 003138 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 25 | Incremental | LTO2 | Full |
| 933 | 003139 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 26 | Scratch | LTO2 | Append |
| 950 | 003164 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 27 | Scratch | LTO2 | Append |
| 904 | 003131 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 28 | Incremental | LTO2 | Full |
| 949 | 003165 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 29 | Scratch | LTO2 | Append |
| 902 | 003135 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 30 | Incremental | LTO2 | Full |
| 942 | 003163 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 31 | Scratch | LTO2 | Append |
| 929 | 003159 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 32 | Scratch | LTO2 | Append |
| 945 | 003167 | 0.0001 | ml6000 | 33 | Scratch | LTO2 | Append |
| 841 | 003070 | 473.2279 | ml6000 | 34 | Full | LTO2 | Full |
Note all the tapes that are in the Incremental pool, with a status of Full,
but with only 0.0001GB recorded as written. Those tapes were all in the
Scratch pool, with a status of Append just a few minutes ago.
=> That seems very odd. Bacula 5.0.3
oh my.. I should upgrade.
I'm running 5.2.2.
=> But just for the record:
=> *mount storage=DigitalTapeLibrary
=> Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog
=> Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
=> Enter autochanger slot: 1
=> 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" command.
=> 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result: nothing loaded.
=> 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 1, drive 0" command.
=> 3305 Autochanger "load slot 1, drive 0", status is OK.
=> 3001 Mounted Volume: 001319
=> 3001 Device "DTL01" (/dev/nsa0) is mounted with Volume "001319"
=> You have messages.
=> *m
=> 20-Mar 01:24 bacula-dir JobId 90684: Using Volume "ETU233" from 'Scratch'
=> 20-Mar 01:24 bacula-dir JobId 90684: Using Volume "ETU234" from 'Scratch'
=> 20-Mar 01:24 bacula-dir JobId 90684: Using Volume "ETU235" from 'Scratch'
=> 20-Mar 01:24 bacula-dir JobId 90684: Using Volume "ETU236" from 'Scratch'
=> 20-Mar 01:24 bacula-dir JobId 90684: Using Volume "ETU237" from 'Scratch'
=> 20-Mar 01:24 bacula-dir JobId 90684: Using Volume "ETU238" from 'Scratch'
=> 20-Mar 01:24 bacula-dir JobId 90684: Using Volume "ETU239" from 'Scratch'
=> 20-Mar 01:24 bacula-dir JobId 90684: There are no more Jobs associated with
Volume "ETU033". Mar
=> king it purged.
=> 20-Mar 01:24 bacula-dir JobId 90684: All records pruned from Volume
"ETU033"; marking it "Purged
=> "
=> 20-Mar 01:24 bacula-dir JobId 90684: Recycled volume "ETU033"
=> 20-Mar 01:24 bacula-dir JobId 90684: Using Device "DTL01"
=> 20-Mar 01:24 kraken-sd JobId 90684: Ready to read from volume
"IncrAuto-2369" on device "MegaFil
=> e" (/storage/compressed/bacula/volumes).
=> 20-Mar 01:24 kraken-sd JobId 90684: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 1,
drive 0" command.
=> --
=> Dan Langille -
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