
You might take a look at what you set Maximum Concurrent Jobs
to in the Director.  Each console has a job associated with it (jobid=0)
and so if you reach the maximum, no more will start.

Someone (not me) added Maximum Console Connections, which defaults
to 20, but I am not 100% sure how it interacts with Maximum Concurrent
Jobs.  Before Maximum Console Connections, everything was lumped int
Maximum Concurrent Jobs.


On 03/07/2012 03:58 PM, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> OK, this is getting more and more peculiar as I study it more.  Adding
> bacula-devel list.
> To briefly recap the initial statement of the problem, I've been
> experiencing a problem in which, after a number of successful
> connections, console->Director connection authentication begins
> repeatedly failing.  Everything else seems to continue to work normally.
>   The typical behavior is that after manually starting two or three jobs
> using BAT, I can no longer connect to the Director either with BAT or
> with bconsole, but everything else continues to function normally and
> the scheduled jobs run normally.  After the pending manually-scheduled
> jobs complete, I can connect again.
> On the theory that network bandwidth may be somehow involved, I tried
> scheduling several jobs 15 minutes ahead of time, to see if I could get
> more jobs running if I scheduled them all before any started.
> Starting at about 0915, schedule job 1 for 0925.  No problem.
> Schedule Job 2 for 0925.  No problem.
> Schedule job 3 for 0925.  No problem.
> At about 0918, try to schedule job 4 for 0925.  None of the new jobs has
> yet started.  No go; neither bat nor bconsole can connect.
> This is what the trace logged as I tried to connect with bconsole:
> babylon4-dir: bnet.c:708-0 who=client host= port=36131
> babylon4-dir: job.c:1331-0 wstorage=babylon5-sd
> babylon4-dir: job.c:1340-0 wstore=babylon5-sd where=Pool resource
> babylon4-dir: job.c:1031-0 JobId=0 created
> Job=-Console-.2012-03-07_09.19.16_37
> babylon4-dir: cram-md5.c:72-0 send: auth cram-md5
> <1723850907.1331129956@babylon4-dir>  ssl=0
> babylon4-dir: cram-md5.c:131-0 cram-get received: auth cram-md5
> <85736557.1331129966@bat>  ssl=0
> babylon4-dir: cram-md5.c:150-0 sending resp to challenge:
> 25Q2B+IdJ/UKI/+p6++vkC
> babylon4-dir: ua_dotcmds.c:164-0 Cmd: .api 1
> babylon4-dir: ua_dotcmds.c:164-0 Cmd: .levels Backup
> babylon4-dir: bnet.c:708-0 who=client host= port=36131
> babylon4-dir: bnet.c:708-0 who=client host= port=36131
> The console reported:
> babylon4:root:/opt/bacula/etc:29 # bconsole
> Connecting to Director babylon4:9101
> Director authorization problem.
> Most likely the passwords do not agree.
> If you are using TLS, there may have been a certificate validation error
> during the TLS handshake.
> After restarting the Director, I re-enabled the trace (setdebug director
> level=100 trace=1), then reconnected again with bconsole:
> babylon4-dir: bnet.c:708-0 who=client host= port=36131
> babylon4-dir: job.c:1331-0 wstorage=babylon5-sd
> babylon4-dir: job.c:1340-0 wstore=babylon5-sd where=Pool resource
> babylon4-dir: job.c:1031-0 JobId=0 created
> Job=-Console-.2012-03-07_09.32.59_04
> babylon4-dir: cram-md5.c:72-0 send: auth cram-md5
> <1031666935.1331130779@babylon4-dir>  ssl=0
> babylon4-dir: cram-md5.c:131-0 cram-get received: auth cram-md5
> <41725829.1331130779@bconsole>  ssl=0
> babylon4-dir: cram-md5.c:150-0 sending resp to challenge:
> 6Sgw8g8aLxgeAEx5CwsU1B
> This looks no different to me than the failed connection attempt.  So I
> tried starting up bconsole from the Linux machine I'm running bat on.
> That worked fine, so I quit it and started another.  I did this about
> five times.  Then I started six at once.  No problem.
> It appears I can connect as many consoles as I want, up to the
> Director's configured concurrency limit, with no problem ... until I
> start scheduling jobs.
> So, then I opened a bconsole and left it open, then scheduled two jobs
> from BAT successfully.  Then I tried to schedule a third.  No go.
> At this point, I tried to open an additional new bconsole.  No go, and
> the trace *did not log anything* for the connection attempt.  I could
> continue to schedule more manual jobs from the existing open bconsole,
> but could start no new consoles, and BAT became completely unresponsive.
>   It appears that once two or three jobs were scheduled, the Director
> *stopped listening* for new console connections, but continued to
> service existing open consoles.
> All daemons are Bacula 5.2.5, all 64-bit builds.  The Director and the
> disk-based SD are running on Solaris 10u9 amd64, built using Sun Studio
> 12.2.  The tape SD is running on Gentoo Linux amd64, built using
> gcc-4.5.3.  BAT runs on the Linux box, and I used bconsoles from both
> machines with no difference in behavior.

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