recently migrated from bacula 5.0.3 (from apt) to 5.2.3 (from sources) on
different hosts. Export the database, import and upgrade from script. All
goes fine, but when i try to update slots from console, i get this for all
the slots:
* 3305 Auto-cambiador "carga ranura 23, unidad 0", estado es OK.*
* 3001 Volumen=Incremental-03 Ranura=23*
* Ninguno VolName para Ranura=23 InChanger establecido en cero. *
in english :p
*No VolName for Slot=23 InChanger set to zero *
slot in list volumes are not upgraded. Bacula can read the label from the
tape, but the flag "slot" is not updated.
I can read the label from btape:
*/etc/bacula# btape -c bacula-sd.conf /dev/nst0*
*Granularidad del bloque de cinta es 1024 bytes.*
*btape: butil.c:290 Utilizando el dispositivo: «/dev/nst0» para escritura.
*27-dic 17:44 btape JobId 0: 3301 Emitiendo comando auto-cambiador
"¿cargado? unidad 0".*
*27-dic 17:44 btape JobId 0: 3302 Auto-cambiador "¿cargado? unidad 0", el
resultado es Ranura 1.*
*btape: btape.c:477 abrir dispositivo "drive" (/dev/nst0): OK*
*btape: btape.c:529 Etiqueta de volumen leida correctamente.*
*Volumen Label:*
*Id : Bacula 1.0 immortal*
*VerNo : 11*
*VolName : incremental-03*
*PrevVolName :*
*VolFile : 0*
*LabelType : VOL_LABEL*
*LabelSize : 173*
*PoolName : Incremental*
*MediaType : LTO2*
*PoolType : Backup*
*HostName : HOSTNAME*
*Fecha de etiqueta escrito: 08-nov-2011 17:23*
The label name and pool name are OK.The volume is on the list volumes on
bconsole. Any ideas?
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