I agree, it's unlikely a 'new' bug, but rather the restarting of my 
director during the upgrade that caused the problem to exhibit itself.

Here is what happened in more detail.

A week before the upgrade/director restart, the conf files for a 
significant number of jobs (~100) were changed and a "reload" of the 
director, and on the day they were changed we manually ran Fulls for 
each modified job, which were successfully completed as Fulls.  Then on 
subsequent evenings (every day for a week) scheduled Incrementals ran 
successfully, and as Incrementals.

When we upgrade to 5.2.2, we of course stopped our old director and 
started up the new one.  That evening the 12 out of the ~100 jobs 
mentioned above had their scheduled Incrementals promoted to Fulls, and 
yes the message in the log says:

> No prior or suitable Full backup found in catalog. Doing FULL backup.

However, this is not actually the case.  There is a successful FULL a 
week old for each of the 12 jobs that were promoted, and the other jobs 
in the ~100 that were changed did not promote to a FULL.

The dates on the conf files shows that they have not changed since the 
Full backups were made a week ago.

Again, we've been using bacula for years now, have some degree of 
expertise with it, and we've never seen this before.

Very strange...

On 11/30/11 12:48 PM, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> Hello,
> Most likely you edited the .conf file and modified the
> FileSet. If that is the case, listing all the FileSets recorded
> in the database will show multiple copies of the FileSet
> record with different hashes.
> In most cases, other than changing the FileSet, Bacula
> clearly indicates why it is upgrading a level. In the case
> of a FileSet change, it prints a notice saying something
> like a valid Full could not be found.
> The probability that there is a new bug introduced between
> 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 is probably about 0.0001% since there were very
> few coding changes except for bug fixes.
> Regards,
> Kern
> On 11/30/2011 07:55 PM, Stephen Thompson wrote:
>> FYI
>> Not sure if anyone's seen or reported this, but I upgraded from 5.2.1 to
>> 5.2.2 yesterday and during my backups last night, several jobs were
>> promoted from Incremental to Full, even though their job configurations
>> had not changed and they did have a valid Full backup from last week.
>> I have never seen this happen before with bacula in general or my
>> configuration in particular, so I thought it might be possible that a
>> bug was introduced into 5.2.2.
>> thanks,
>> Stephen

Stephen Thompson               Berkeley Seismological Laboratory
step...@seismo.berkeley.edu    215 McCone Hall # 4760
404.538.7077 (phone)           University of California, Berkeley
510.643.5811 (fax)             Berkeley, CA 94720-4760

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