Here is what I have done on the server
1. Stop the service - /sbin/bacula stop
2. Delete the database - /etc/bacula/drop_bacula_database
3. Remove any working files - rm -rf /var/bacula/working/*
4. Since I am using a NAS device to do my backups I then do - rm -rf 
5. Now redo all database stuff - /etc/bacula/create_bacula_database and 
6. Restart the service - /sbin/bacula start
On the clients (my clients are Apple Macintosh systems running 10.6.8)
1. Stop the client/file daemon - sudo launchctl unload -w 
2. Remove any working files (check the bacula-fd.conf file for WorkingDirectory 
location) - sudo rm -rf /private/var/bacula/working/bacula-fd.9102.state
3. Restart the computer
4. Restart the service - sudo launchctl load -w 
/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.bacula.bacula-fd.plist and sudo launchctl start 

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