Hello everyone.

I'm running Copy Jobs from my Full Backups, here's the config (the parts
that matter):

*Pool {
    Name = pool.full
    Pool Type = Backup
    Storage = st.tpc
    Volume Use Duration = 1 month
    Volume Retention = 6 months
    Scratch Pool = scratch.tpc
    RecyclePool = scratch.tpc
    File Retention =  1 year
    Job Retention =  1 year
    Cleaning Prefix = "CLN"
    Next Pool = pool.copy.full

Pool {
    Name = pool.copy.full
    Pool Type = Backup
    Storage = st.tpb
    Volume Use Duration = 6 weeks
    Volume Retention = 6 weeks
    Scratch Pool = scratch.tpb
    Recycle Pool = scratch.tpb
    File Retention =  1 year
    Job Retention =  1 year
    Cleaning Prefix = "CLN"

Job {
    Name = job.copy.full
    Type = Copy
    Level = Full
    Client = client.ptibacula-dir
    Write Bootstrap = "/var/spool/bacula/jobs/bootstrap.copy.full.%c.%n.bsr"
    FileSet = fs.default
    Messages = msg.default
    Max Start Delay = 48h
    Spool Data = no
    Pool = pool.full
    Schedule = sch.copy.full
    Allow Duplicate Jobs = yes
    Allow Higher Duplicates = no
    Selection Type = SQL Query
    Selection Pattern = "
       SELECT DISTINCT J.JobId, J.Name, J.Level, J.StartTime, J.RealEndTime
FROM Job J, Pool P
        WHERE P.Name = 'pool.full'
          AND P.PoolId = J.PoolId AND J.Type = 'B'
          AND J.JobStatus IN ('T','W') AND J.jobBytes > 0
          AND J.JobId NOT IN
                (SELECT PriorJobId FROM Job
                  WHERE Type IN ('B','C')
                    AND Job.JobStatus IN ('T','W')
                    AND PriorJobId != 0)
     ORDER BY J.StartTime;

When I run the Job "job.copy.full", the result is:

*|   968 | job.copy.full         | 2011-09-22 14:22:11 | c    | F
|         0 |                 0 | R         |
|   969 | job.someclient        | 2011-09-22 14:22:11 | B    | F
|         0 |                 0 | R         |*

So far so good, but that's only for the current running Copy Job. The
"waiting" Copy job are like this:

*|   972 | job.copy.full          |                     | c    | F
|         0 |                 0 | C         |
|   973 | job.someOtherClient    |                     | B    | I
|         0 |                 0 | C         |*

Notice the Incremental Level of the Job? Why is that?
That's not so good for me because while the Copy Job is running, I have
other Incremental Jobs that can be run because they don't use either of the
Pools used by this Copy Job...

Where do I "force" it to start as a Full Backup?

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