
usually I do not have problem with concurrent jobs, because they
read/write from/to different pools.  But when it comes to virtual full
backups I need to stop bacula from doing these jobs concurrently.
Is there a way to tell the bacula to do a certain type of job one at a
time even if the configured standard is to accept 12 jobs concurrently?
How is that done with copy/migration jobs e.g.  The doc says there is a
management job which starts the actual copy/migration job.  These run
one at a time just fine in my environment.  How can I impelement this
behaviour for my virtual full jobs?

Any hints?

Cheers Jan

MAX-PLANCK-INSTITUT fuer Radioastronomie
Jan Behrend - Rechenzentrum
Auf dem Huegel 69, D-53121 Bonn                                  
Tel: +49 (228) 525 359, Fax: +49 (228) 525 229
jbehr...@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de

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