Just for grins and giggles, try cleaning your drive several times.
On 6/29/2011 12:39 AM, Christian Tardif wrote:
On 23/06/2011 10:06, Brian Debelius wrote:
found something strange. If I try to issue this command:
mt -f /dev/nst0 status
I'll get one line that says:
Tape block size 0 bytes. Density code 0x81 (DLT 15GB
Isn't that strange? I'm trying to understand what this density
code is doing there. tapeinfo reports this density code as
well (which should, anyway) but says that Partition 0 Size in
KBytes is 76787712.
From my experience the density code does not mean anything. The
tape block size of 0 bytes indicates that the tape drive is set
for variable block size which is what bacula wants by default.
You may want to play with this and set it to a fixed larger size
for performance, after you get things working. I use 256K
Take a look at the screenshot (Media-B and C). It's actually the
exact same media (Media-B has been purged, and relabelled as C).
At the time of backup, Media-B appeared as full at 27.71GB. Now, C
is full at 57.76GB. Not a bit of change in the config. And the
VXA-2 should backup to 80GB uncompressed.
Go figure...
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