On 21/06/2011 14:20, John Drescher wrote:
I believe the only way that can happen (if you are in the correct tape
density mode)

I found something strange. If I try to issue this command:

mt -f /dev/nst0 status

I'll get one line that says:

Tape block size 0 bytes. Density code 0x81 (DLT 15GB compressed).

Isn't that strange? I'm trying to understand what this density code is doing there. tapeinfo reports this density code as well (which should, anyway) but says that Partition 0 Size in KBytes is 76787712.

Christian Tardif, Servinfo Inc.
Tél: 514.237.6332
Courriel: christian.tar...@servinfo.ca
Web: http://www.servinfo.ca


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