On Jun 25, 2011, at 9:13 AM, xunil321 wrote:

> Dear all,
> we want to setup Bacula 5.0.3 under SLES 11 SP1 in the following way:
> 1x Director and three DEDICATED SD servers (each system has 6TB disk storage
> and one LTO-4 tape autochanger). We learnt from this list that this
> separation
> can be done ie director and sd can live on different machines.
> But we are not sure about these mechanism:
> - to use the file storage of our 3 SD servers the director has to mount by
> NFS 
>   these filesystems for the backup, right?

No.  The SD mounts the remote storage.  Not the Director.

I think you need to read more about what each Bacula daemon does.  The FD sends 
backups to the SD, not the Dir.

> -  how does have the director access to the LTO-4 tape of our 3 SD servers
>   ie from where does it know the location of the autochanger

It does not need access.  The SD needs access.  Also, I suspect the tape will 
be used by only one SD.

> -  how to we have to configure/compile  Bacula 5.0.3 for the DEDICATED SD 
>   servers ie with the same options as we did it for the director?

You... do it.  I do not understand the question. What problem are you having?

Dan Langille - http://langille.org

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