Excerpts from xunil321's message of Sat Jun 25 09:13:26 -0400 2011:

> -  how to we have to configure/compile  Bacula 5.0.3 for the DEDICATED SD 
>    servers ie with the same options as we did it for the director?

Build RPMs one one system that split the whole package out into dir,
fd and sd sub-packages.  Then just install the RPMs where you need
them.  Doing this ensures things are always built with the same
options.  It also makes option modification simpler and maintenance
becomes much nicer too.  For SLES, you may even find that someone else
has done the work for you.

If you need to see a good package split for the .spec file in your
RPMs, look at the way Debian split it up.  (I used that split as the
basis for my solaris packages.)

Once you've installed the sd rpm on the dedicated storage services,
you just need to setup the auth between the components but this is
roughly the same as if they local.

Ben Walton
Systems Programmer - CHASS
University of Toronto
C:416.407.5610 | W:416.978.4302

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