* Ben Walton <bwal...@artsci.utoronto.ca> [06/16/2011 14:03]:
> This is interesting, but I'm not sure I understand how it would remain
> staggered.
> Say my schedule is:
> Schedule {
>   Name = "MonthlyCycle"
>   Run = Full 1st sun at 23:05
>   Run = Differential 2nd-5th sun at 23:05
>   Run = Incremental mon-sat at 23:05
> }
> If I set "Max Full Interval" to 30 days and ran the first job (a full)
> on the Tuesday following the first Sunday of the month, I'd expect
> that on Wed - Sat I'd get incrementals.  Then on Sunday I'd get a
> differential.  This would repeat each week (incrementals and
> differentials) until the first Sunday of the next month at which point
> I'd expect a full.  This would then reset the timer and I'd be on a
> 'normal' cycle again, wouldn't I?  If I'm correct here, there would
> need to be a corresponding "Min Full Interval" as well...

My idea was to remove the Full (and Diff) from the schedule. Have in the
schedule only Incremental backups everyday. Then set the Max Full
Interval to 30 and the Max Diff Interval to 7.

In this way the daily Incremental would be upgraded to Diff or Full only
at the appropriate time. Does it make sense?

> > It would be nice to have a "Max Differential Interval" though, so one
> > would be able to schedule all Inc jobs and have them automatically
> > upgrade to Diff or Full depending on how old the last Diff or Full
> > is. 
> The documentation references this as having existed since 3.0.0.

I see. It's in the "New Features in 3", but not in the documentation for
the director. I missed it. Thanks.


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