Excerpts from Daniel De Marco's message of Thu Jun 16 11:52:30 -0400 2011:

Hi Daniel,

> my plan was to use "Max Full Interval" to solve this problem, but I
> didn't test it yet. In principle if you set it to a month and then
> do your full backups staggered once they would continue to be
> staggered.

This is interesting, but I'm not sure I understand how it would remain

Say my schedule is:

Schedule {
  Name = "MonthlyCycle"
  Run = Full 1st sun at 23:05
  Run = Differential 2nd-5th sun at 23:05
  Run = Incremental mon-sat at 23:05

If I set "Max Full Interval" to 30 days and ran the first job (a full)
on the Tuesday following the first Sunday of the month, I'd expect
that on Wed - Sat I'd get incrementals.  Then on Sunday I'd get a
differential.  This would repeat each week (incrementals and
differentials) until the first Sunday of the next month at which point
I'd expect a full.  This would then reset the timer and I'd be on a
'normal' cycle again, wouldn't I?  If I'm correct here, there would
need to be a corresponding "Min Full Interval" as well...

> It would be nice to have a "Max Differential Interval" though, so one
> would be able to schedule all Inc jobs and have them automatically
> upgrade to Diff or Full depending on how old the last Diff or Full
> is. 

The documentation references this as having existed since 3.0.0.

Ben Walton
Systems Programmer - CHASS
University of Toronto
C:416.407.5610 | W:416.978.4302

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