Op 14/06/2011 11:23, Harald Schmalzbauer schreef:
> schrieb Jeremy Maes am 14.06.2011 10:46 (localtime):
>>   Op 14/06/2011 9:52, Harald Schmalzbauer schreef:
>>> Hello bacula list,
>>> I'm trying to setup a small backup concept with bacula 5.0.3
>>> Unfortunately I ran into the same problem about one year ago with 5.0.1
>>> I'm using file based SD.
>>> I had one job running, accessing SD1 running, so the next scheduled job
>>> had to wait. But it didn't wait "Max Wait Time" of 2 hours, instead it
>>> started "Max Run Time" after the scheduled start and terminated with 0
>>> seconds runtime because "Max Run Time" exceeded.
>>> Can somebody help?
>> This is because you are probably using the wrong kind of wait times for
>> your job, or wrong values for them. A picture from the manual should
>> show this clearly:
>> The Max Run Time will start counting the moment the job tries to get a
>> hold of a storage volume. Max Wait Time does NOT get added to this time,
> Thanks a lot for your help.
> I had looked at the illustration from the manual and together with the
> status report, I understand it as the job "start time" is not the
> schedule time.
> Here's the excerpt of the status report:
> Scheduled time:         13-Jun-2011 22:31:01
> Start time:             13-Jun-2011 23:01:15
> So corresponding to the illustration, this should be the period "Wait
> time", limited by "Max Start Delay".
> The report states "Elapsed time: 0 secs". The definition of "Run Time"
> in the manual makes clear that "Elapsed time" should be the same:
Before I make any more assumptions etc, could you show us your configs 
for the given job? What settings related to this have you set or not set?


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