Op 14/06/2011 9:52, Harald Schmalzbauer schreef:
Hello bacula list,

I'm trying to setup a small backup concept with bacula 5.0.3
Unfortunately I ran into the same problem about one year ago with 5.0.1
I'm using file based SD.
I had one job running, accessing SD1 running, so the next scheduled job
had to wait. But it didn't wait "Max Wait Time" of 2 hours, instead it
started "Max Run Time" after the scheduled start and terminated with 0
seconds runtime because "Max Run Time" exceeded.

Can somebody help?
This is because you are probably using the wrong kind of wait times for your job, or wrong values for them. A picture from the manual should show this clearly:

The Max Run Time will start counting the moment the job tries to get a hold of a storage volume. Max Wait Time does NOT get added to this time, so if your Max Run Time is shorter than the Max Wait Time it'll time out with the warning you're getting.

The solution I use is to not specify most of them, and only use a Max Run Sched Time. This will make sure the job finishes (or gets cancelled if it's not done) within a set amount of time after I schedule it. Though depending on the situation that might not be the best way to go...


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