On Wednesday 18 May 2011 21:45:57 Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk wrote:
> > It is possible that the documentation is not as detailed or explicit
> > as it
> > could be, but the two different FileSets you wrote are totally
> > different, and
> > the parser works perfectly fine otherwise it would have reported an
> > error.
> >
> > What is more likely is that the way two different Options blocks are
> > interpreted (or executed) is non-trivial and different from what you
> > understand.
> First of all, to my own defence, this configuration was something I took
> over after being absent from work a few weeks after an accident. We had a
> consultant do the initial installation, and I thought it was ok.

I understand.

> Secondly, after looking at the code, it looks like there is some built-in
> support for allowing multiple option blocks. 

Yes, multiple option blocks work and are very useful.  I refer you to the doc.

> A parameter 'pass' is passed 
> to the functions, and the options struct is only initialised if the value
> of 'pass' is one. However - I don't see this variable being incremented,
> but then, I've only spent an hour or so looking into the code, and I
> sometimes find object-oriented C a bit hard to follow.

Even though it is my code, I will leave this to some other developer to answer 
as I am a bit overloaded at the moment.

> Last, I would think the -t argument to bacula-dir should have reported this
> issue

The -t does not add any additional checking other than what is normally done.  
Bacula does not check for every inconsistent configuration options, and in 
this case, I think that everything is completely consistent so I am not sure 
what it should have found or how it would have found it.



> Vennlige hilsener / Best regards
> roy
> --
> Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
> (+47) 97542685
> r...@karlsbakk.net
> http://blogg.karlsbakk.net/
> --
> I all pedagogikk er det essensielt at pensum presenteres intelligibelt. Det
> er et elementært imperativ for alle pedagoger å unngå eksessiv anvendelse
> av idiomer med fremmed opprinnelse. I de fleste tilfeller eksisterer
> adekvate og relevante synonymer på norsk.

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