Greetings. A couple of questions so that I can hopefully better understand what I'm doing with my Bacula setup.
Q1: Is this statment correct? "A Storage may contain several Pools, but a Pool lives on one and only one Storage" If this is correct, then why is the Storage selected within a Job specification and not within the Pool spec? Q2: If I have two Pools and two Storages, can my Volume names overlap? Or must my Volume names be unique across my various Storages and Pools? (Background -- somehwere in my Bacula config, I ended up with * Volume 100 on Storage A as a member of Pool A * a request to load Volume 100 on Storage B and this blocked all of my backups.) Thanks. --hymie! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Create and publish websites with WebMatrix Use the most popular FREE web apps or write code yourself; WebMatrix provides all the features you need to develop and publish your website. _______________________________________________ Bacula-users mailing list