Happyness comes in bconsole messages!

I finally figured out the problem, and am posting the solution here incase 
anyone else has the same issue in the future.

I had made sure I disabled the windows firewall on the client machine. I 
thought I'd also done iptables -F on the bacula server as well, but it turns 
out I hadn't... Well, I may have done once, and then restarted the server or 

anyway, the clue came in trying to launch bat from the client machine - it 
couldn't connect back to the director. I then tried to telnet back to the 
bacula server, from the windows client, on port 9101 - no joy.

I then flushed the iptables on the bacula server using:

iptables -F

and as if by magic, it's all working fine now! So the problem was that the 
client FD could not talk back to the server director.

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