On Thu, Jan 06, 2011 at 11:36:10AM -0600, Sean Clark wrote:
> On 01/06/2011 11:24 AM, Mister IT Guru wrote:
> > On 06/01/2011 17:16, Graham Keeling wrote:
> >> On Thu, Jan 06, 2011 at 05:02:47PM +0000, Mister IT Guru wrote:
> >>> I've been trying to get my head around virtual full backups.
> >>>
> >>> [...]
> >> So, I would be very pleased if a VirtualFull also grabbed new files from 
> >> the
> >> client.
> > Thank you for pointing this out! So it doesn't grab new files from the 
> > client first? Well, that's not the smartest! Hmm, I wonder - How would 
> > you get a job to run run after another job, rather than have bacula 
> > decide via priorities?
> To be fair - if it's grabbing actual files directly from the client,
> it's no longer a "virtual" backup.  I got the impression
> that the point was to generate a "full" backup without having to talk to
> the client at all.
> I think if you give the virtual full a lower priority than the
> incremental, you can schedule both for the same day and have it always
> do the incremental then the virtual full in the correct order (haven't
> actually TRIED to do this myself, so I'm guessing).
You cannot do that with priorities.
You can only set a priority on a "Job". And the VirtualFulls and Incrementals
all have to come under the same Job.
I've TRIED! :)

And ordering isn't the problem. I don't mind what order they happen in.
The problem is that one overlapping with the other, and causes the other's
MaxWaitTime to exceed.

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