On Thu, Jan 06, 2011 at 05:24:07PM +0000, Mister IT Guru wrote:
> On 06/01/2011 17:16, Graham Keeling wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 06, 2011 at 05:02:47PM +0000, Mister IT Guru wrote:
>>> I've been trying to get my head around virtual full backups.
>>> Now, from my understanding, (i'm 80% through my work day, shut down 20
>>> tickets, and had to deal with too many user incidents for my liking, so
>>> please bare with me if I say something stupid!), virtual fulls can be
>>> run on the same pool as a real 'recent' full has been run on, and it
>>> will create a new full based on all the latest files still in the pool.
>>> It then takes these files, and only take the latest changed files, from
>>> the client to create a new usable full backup, which should pretty much
>>> take the same time as between and incremental and a differential.
>>> If this is the case, then I can slash my backup times, from 5 hours per
>>> host, to around 20 minutes, which is something I think would be pretty
>>> frikkin' awesome! Feel free to comment, and suggest :)
>> No, it doesn't take the latest files from the client.
>> It would solve a couple of problems that I have if that is what it did 
>> though.
>> A VirtualFull combines previous backups into a single backup that is
>> equivalent to a Full.
>> So, if you have a schedule like this:
>> Monday:    Incremental
>> Tuesday:   Incremental
>> Wednesday: Incremental
>> Thursday:  Incremental
>> Friday:    Incremental
>> Saturday:  Incremental
>> Sunday:    Incremental
>> You can't, say, just do this:
>> Monday:    Incremental
>> Tuesday:   Incremental
>> Wednesday: Incremental
>> Thursday:  VirtualFull
>> Friday:    Incremental
>> Saturday:  Incremental
>> Sunday:    Incremental
>> You actually have to do this, otherwise you don't get a backup for that day:
>> Monday:    Incremental
>> Tuesday:   Incremental
>> Wednesday: Incremental
>> Thursday:  VirtualFull plus seperate Incremental
>> Friday:    Incremental
>> Saturday:  Incremental
>> Sunday:    Incremental
>> And that means that you get into problems with the VirtualFull and 
>> Incremental
>> overlapping and getting in each other's way.
>> With my configuration, a VirtualFull sometimes prevents an Incremental from
>> running, because the VirtualFull took too long (or vice versa). I have not 
>> been
>> able to solve this, because every idea that I've come up with either doesn't
>> work or makes something else happen that is worse.
>> So, I would be very pleased if a VirtualFull also grabbed new files from the
>> client.
> Thank you for pointing this out! So it doesn't grab new files from the  
> client first? Well, that's not the smartest! Hmm, I wonder - How would  
> you get a job to run run after another job, rather than have bacula  
> decide via priorities?

I don't know, but I think that your idea of combining them both into one job
is a far better solution.

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