
answers below.

2010/11/15 Dermot Beirne <dermot.bei...@dpd.ie>

> Hello,
> @Ryan Novosielski:
> Yes you are right! I did miss that post. I don't appear to have
> received that bacula mailing list digest mail, and obviously depend on
> them too much!  I'll monitor the mailing list directly on sourceforge
> also in future.  Thank you.
> @Timo Neuvonen:
> Thanks for replying.  Sorry, I did not see your post, as I never
> received the mailing list digest.  I hadn't spotted the difference in
> Dan's post re which retention he was referring to, and I've spent the
> weekend re-reading and considering my options.  I will now be
> redesigning the retention periods, but will need to be careful of the
> database size, as it's already quite large.
> Seems to achieve what I need, I'll need the file/job/volume retentions
> all matching for my Daily, weekly and monthly backups, and then rely
> on bscan for the Yearly one, (as I cannot keep the job/file records in
> the db for up to 10 years), so that I can get individual files when I
> need them no matter how old.  The idea of having to restore the entire
> job (which in some cases is over 300Gb) to get a single file from a
> few months ago is too much, or am I missing the point there? Might be
> acceptable for a file from years ago, but I presume bscan avoids the
> need for this too?
> I clearly run the risk of having a massive database though, so I'll
> have to monitor this closely.
> @Kleber Leal:
> I don't think I can have larger retention periods for Files and Jobs
> than Volumes, as the manual states:
> "The durations inter-depend a bit because if Bacula prunes a Volume,
> it automatically removes all the Job records, and all the File
> records. Also when a Job record is pruned, all the File records for
> that Job are also pruned (deleted) from the catalog."

Yes, you can use job and file retention period larger then volume retention
I have this working fine. When volume retention period expires (for disk
backup) the jobs for this volumes are pruned, but the catalog keep
informations about these jobs on tapes (my copies of jobs).
If exists copy jobs on catalog the director will keep data about them and
you will be able to restore them without use 'bscan'.

> I think in my case, I have not specified a Job or File retention at
> all, and hence the default is applying.  I need to set both of these
> to the same as the Volume, so they are all available for each other
> and then all expire at the same time.
> Re the scratch pools, I have done exactly the same as you for the
> disks Volumes, one large LVM volume, auto create labels, and limit the
> volumes.
> However, the issue is that the different pools will not recycle each
> others disk volumes. If the Daily incremental backup is unable to
> complete, as it needs more volumes than the limit I've set, and I
> can't let it create more as I'm at the max of my disk space (delicate
> balancing act), my problem is the Weekly and Monthly pools have 100's
> of expired volumes, but the Daily backups can't recycle those and use
> that space.
> I think the new feature in 5.0.1 (Actiononpurge = truncate) will solve
> this.  The weekly and monthly pools should truncate themselves thus
> leaving a lot more space in the file system for me to greatly increase
> the Daily backup volume limit.   Again, the balance will be that the
> weekly/monthly volumes are copied/migrated and then purged from disk
> before the Daily Disks volumes needs them.

The bacula will truncate a volume only when a new volume was needed on same
This will not works on different pools as you need.

> @Dan Langille:
> Sorry for misinterpreting your original advice.  It makes more sense now!
> _____
> I plan on doing the following starting today:
> 1. Upgrade bacula 3.0.2 to 5.0.3 to take advantage of the following
> new features:
> a) ActionOnPurge=Truncate - stops weekly/monthly/yearly disk pools
> hogging space even when the retention is only 2 days (i.e. time to get
> them to tape)
> b) Use the new FileRetention/JobRetention directives for Pools to
> avoid doing it on each client, as they are all the same
> c)Use the new speed command available in the btape program - to help
> benchmark my tape drive performance.  Monthly tape copies are taking
> days to complete, and the subsequent daily backups are queuing up.
> Need to adjust priorities also.
> 2. Probably switch from copy jobs to migrate jobs - Don't mind going
> to tape for a file really, and migrate jobs seem better in that the
> original gets purged on successful migrate and thus releases the disk
> space. Also avoids the issue of some disk volumes expiring before the
> copy happens if it's delayed for any reason.
> 3. Increase the LVM volume holding my database, as my planned changes
> to the File and Job volumes are going to greatly increase it.
> I'm most concerned with the upgrade part, as I'm not sure what the
> best rollback would be it doesn't work for me.  I'm sure it's well
> documented, so I'll check the forums for warnings and advice.
> If anyone has a good link to upgrading from 3.0.2 to 5.0.3 I'd be grateful.
> Thank you everyone.
> Regards,
> Dermot.
> On 14 November 2010 01:47, Kleber Leal <kleber.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> > 2010/11/12 Dermot Beirne <dermot.bei...@dpd.ie>
> >>
> >> Hello,
> >> I got no response to my last mail below, so I'll try and summarise my
> >> questions a little:
> >> (Bacula 3.0.2 on Ubuntu 9.04)
> >>
> >> 1. If I copy a backup job, is the retention period of the original
> >> backup job or the copy backup job used by bacula.  I ask because my
> >> originals (disk) have a 2 day retention, but their copies (tape) have
> >> up to 12 months, but are still not kept in the catalogue and I need to
> >> use bscan to restore them.  What do I need to check/change?
> >
> > You can use job and file retention period bigger than volume retention
> > period.
> > This should keep jobs and files information into catalog and the director
> > will search for files to restore in both file and tapes volumes.
> >
> >>
> >> 2. Is there a way Bacula can recycle tape volumes back into Scratch
> >> before the pool is empty.  Without purging volumes, the Scratch pool
> >> runs out.
> >>
> >> 3. I currently have Daily, Weekly and Monthly disk volumes, which are
> >> copied to tape within a few hours of backup, and have a retention of
> >> just 2 days to keep space from running out on disk.  The Daily disk
> >> backup now needs more space, and can't recycle the weekly or monthly
> >> disk volumes as they are in different pools in different directories.
> >> Hence over 2 TB of disk is inaccessible to the Daily jobs, even though
> >> those volumes have expired.  Is it possible to have all 3 backup types
> >> share and recycle the same disk volumes, in one directory with the
> >> same naming scheme, but for the copy job to still know which is a
> >> daily, weekly, monthly disk volume so it can apply the required
> >> retention to the tape volume?  This would allow much better use of
> >> disk space.
> >
> > I think you define a scratch pool you can do this, but I used LVM to
> group
> > all disks into a unique volume and actived automatic creation of volume
> > files and limit the number of volumes. I have three 1.5TB disks groups to
> > make a volume of 4TB.
> >
> >>
> >> 4. The writing from disk to tape appears very slow.  Is there a
> >> document/thread somewhere that will help me troubleshoot or benchmark
> >> the autoloader throughput (Dell P124T)
> >>
> >> Thank you for any info.
> >> Dermot.
> >>
> >> On 9 November 2010 10:07, Dermot Beirne <dermot.bei...@dpd.ie> wrote:
> >> > Thanks for replying.
> >> >
> >> > On my first point below, where you suggest the volume retention is too
> >> > low, the volume retention for the monthly tape backups to 12 months,
> >> > yet if I attempt to restore a file from a jobid of, say, last March
> >> > monthly backup, it is no longer in the catalogue, and I need to bscan
> >> > that monthly tape volume to repopulate the catalogue, so I can restore
> >> > a file.   Is the fact that these are "copy" jobs overriding the
> >> > retention on the tape pools with the shorter disk pools retentions, or
> >> > can you expand on your suggestion that the retention is the problem.
> >> >
> >> > On the second point, I understand that purging is the last resort, but
> >> > could not find an alternative.  We have a tape autoloader with 8
> >> > slots.  Every day we remove the tapes used that day and replace with
> >> > Scratch tapes.  The problem is that Bacula never moves tapes back into
> >> > Scratch until it has none left.  If it is writing the backups to tape,
> >> > and uses the last Scratch tape, it will then recycle an old tape
> >> > volume (presumably) and ask for manual intervention for someone to
> >> > insert this tape, hence the backups stop.  Is there a way it can
> >> > recycle the volumes back into Scratch before the pool is empty, so the
> >> > admin has enough to refill the autoloader each day?
> >> >
> >> > On the third point, I do use limits on the disk volumes, which is
> >> > forcing the recycling as you say, and this works well to stop bacula
> >> > causing the backup server to run out of space before it tries to
> >> > recycle, however, how do I do this for Tape volumes?  If I set such a
> >> > limit on the tape pools, its hard to predict which ones it will
> >> > recycle, and hence it will stop and wait for manual intervention to
> >> > load the tape it has just decided to recycle.  I think it needs to do
> >> > recycling earlier in the process, so that the Scratch pool is self
> >> > replenishing.
> >> >
> >> > Appreciate your advice.
> >> > Dermot.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > On 6 November 2010 23:30, Dan Langille <d...@langille.org> wrote:
> >> >> On 11/5/2010 12:00 PM, Dermot Beirne wrote:
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Hello,
> >> >>> I have been using bacula now for 1 year this month, and it's been a
> >> >>> fairly smooth ride, but I have a number of questions that i'd be
> >> >>> grateful for some direction on:
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Bacula version 3.0.2 on Ubuntu 9.04
> >> >>>
> >> >>> 1. I am concerned about my retention policy.  I have 4 disk pools
> and
> >> >>> 4 corresponding tape pools.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> All the disk pools (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly) have a volume
> >> >>> retention of 2 days and Volume Use Duration also 2 days
> >> >>>
> >> >>> The Tape Pools are as follows:
> >> >>> Daily - 12 days
> >> >>> Weekly - 32 days
> >> >>> Monthly - 12 months
> >> >>> Yearly - never recycle
> >> >>>
> >> >>> I am finding that when needing to restore from an old job, I have to
> >> >>> run bscan on the tape as Bacula says it has no records for that job
> in
> >> >>> it's catalog.
> >> >>> This is even for monthly backups.  Why can this be?
> >> >>
> >> >> Your Job Retention is too low.
> >> >>
> >> >>> 2. Use of scratch pools.
> >> >>> Every few weeks we have to print a list of the volumes (from the
> daily
> >> >>> and sometimes weekly tape pools), and manually purge (purge jobs
> >> >>> volume) anything older than the above retention times in order to
> >> >>> force them back into the Scratch pool, as the Scratch pool runs out
> of
> >> >>> volumes because Bacula is not automatically purging once the
> retention
> >> >>> policy expires.
> >> >>> Is there a fix for this?  Could this be causing/affecting point 1
> >> >>> above (i.e. doing manual purges)?
> >> >>
> >> >> Purging is the last resort. If the scratch pool contains Volumes,
> they
> >> >> will
> >> >> be used.
> >> >>
> >> >>> 3. Disk pool structure.
> >> >>> I have 4 directories on my backup server for the Disk pools, Daily,
> >> >>> Weekly, Monthly and Yearly.  The Daily, Weekly and Monthly
> directories
> >> >>> are all in the region of 1.4Tb in size.  The problem is that the
> >> >>> server is near it's capacity of disk space, and I can't add any more
> >> >>> clients until I address this.  I feel the current structure is not
> >> >>> making the best use of the space.  The retention policy of 2 days on
> >> >>> the disk volumes is to allow a tape copy job to run the morning
> after
> >> >>> a nightly backup, and these tapes are then moved to a safe and
> >> >>> replaced with Scratch tapes in the autoloader.  It also allows us to
> >> >>> do a quick restore of a file that may have been deleted the previous
> >> >>> day, which is the most common restore request.
> >> >>
> >> >> It sound like you need to set a limit on the Pool so Bacula starts to
> >> >> recycle Volumes.  Bacula will not recycle Volumes if it is permitted
> to
> >> >> create new Volumes.
> >> >>
> >> >>>
> >> >>> The space taken up by the weekly and monthly volumes is wasted, as
> >> >>> they have expired 2 days after use, but the space is still not
> >> >>> available to the Daily volumes.  I suspect I'd get a lot more
> clients
> >> >>> covered if I could change this.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Is it possible to have a single directory shared by all pools, and
> all
> >> >>> pools share and recycle the same volumes.  What are the pros and
> cons
> >> >>> of doing this, or is there a better way.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Is there any benefit in upgrading bacula to address any of these
> >> >>> items.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> I'm sorry for the long mail, and appreciate anyone taking the time
> to
> >> >>> read
> >> >>> it.
> >> >>> Advice welcome on how to proceed with Bacula from here.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> --
> >> >> Dan Langille - http://langille.org/
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >>
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