"Dermot Beirne" <dermot.bei...@dpd.ie> kirjoitti viestissä 
> Thanks for replying.
> On my first point below, where you suggest the volume retention is
> too low, the volume retention for the monthly tape backups to 12
> months, yet if I attempt to restore a file from a jobid of, say, last
> March monthly backup, it is no longer in the catalogue

No, he suggested that your JOB retention is too low, not VOLUME retention:

> > Your Job Retention is too low.

I think this suggestion made sense. Maybe better check the file retention 

Have you figured out what's the difference between file, job, and volume 
retention times? If not, check it out from the documentation.

A very short & simplified version: volume retention specifies the earliest 
time when a volume can be recycled. Job and file retention specify how long 
the job details are kept in the catalog.


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