> Hello my question is concerning the max concurrent jobs. The backups are
> going to disk on the file system. I’m running 5.02 and I have increased the
> director Maximum Concurrent Jobs to 4 as well as the client definition and
> storage definition within the director conf file. In the sd.conf file I have
> it set to 4 under device options:
>  Device {
>   Name = FileStorage
>   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 4
> Also note that each client has its own volumes which are separated by job.
> When under the console I manually tell it to run 3 jobs. The first job
> specified queues up and is given a job id. It finds the volume it needs to
> write to and continues in a normal fashion. When I slate the other 2 to run
> they are assigned job ids but they don’t continue in the normal fashion. Ex
> 2010-10-29 08:42:02 backup.vcity.com-dir JobId 350: No prior Full backup Job
> record found.
> 2010-10-29 08:42:02 backup.vcity.com-dir JobId 350: No prior or suitable
> Full backup found in catalog. Doing FULL backup.
> 2010-10-29 08:42:04 backup.vcity.com-dir JobId 350: Start Backup JobId 350,
> Job=LaReynolds.2010-10-29_08.42.02_09
I don't think this is related to concurrency. That is unless you are
trying to run the same job on the same client at the same time but at
different levels.
> 3rd job manually ran states
> 2010-10-29 08:53:23 backup.vcity.com-dir JobId 351: Start Backup JobId 351,
> Job=BackupClient1.2010-10-29_08.53.21_11
> I maybe mistaken but isn’t the purpose of simultaneous jobs so that I can
> write 4 different jobs to the storage pool at 1 time? I have a client that
> takes 36 hours for a full and the other jobs are backing up behind it
> waiting to finish. I’m trying to get around this issue.

No you are correct. Simultaneous jobs allow multiple jobs to use the
same storage device at the same time. Provided that only 1 pool is
involved because a single (non autochanger) storage device can only
load 1 volume at a time.


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