Rory Campbell-Lange wrote:
> On 22/10/10, Kern Sibbald ( wrote:
>> On Thursday 21 October 2010 12:32:41 Alan Brown wrote:
>>> "How do you initialise a second(third/fourth/etc) catalog?"
>> Manually change "bacula" to the new database name in the 4-5 scripts that 
>> create, populate, and give permissions for the database, then run them.
> Or, as the postgresql superuser, do the following on the psql command
> line:
>     create database bacula-<name> template bacula owner bacula;

bacula=# create database bacula-imaging template bacula owner bacula;
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "-"

It worked when I chose another name though.

Thanks for the assistance.

Kern: Perhaps these answers should go in the documentation about using 

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