>>>>> On Wed, 08 Sep 2010 14:37:46 +0200, Marcus said:
> Hello all,
>     I had an 'Exclude Dir Containing = ".exclude"' in the fileset for 
> the windows clients. Now, for a "regular" user it's quite difficult to 
> rename a file to a ".name" under Windows, besides a name as 
> "data.nobackup" is more clear.
>     To not search for all the ".exclude" files on the other clients my 
> idea was to insert two filenames to use in "Exclude Dir Containing".
>     However, as soon as I include two lines:
>  > Exclude Dir Containing = ".exclude"
>  > Exclude Dir Containing = "data.nobackup"
>     the test yields:
> "Orphaned buffer:  bacula-dir  9 bytes buf=80d4d60 allocated at 
> inc_conf.c:600"
>     Strangely, it works. At least in a way: The directories containing 
> either of the filenames are not backed up.
>     However, the clients seem to take "forever". Without the error an 
> incremental Backup of about 10MiB takes less than a minute, with the two 
> lines included the same backup takes about five minutes.
>     Both Director and Client are Version: '5.0.2 (28 April 2010)', using 
> the stable gentoo ebuild 'app-backup/bacula-5.0.2-r1"
>     Is there a way to make bacula accept two filenames to indicate that 
> it shall not backup that dir?

I think the answer is no, because there is only one field for it.

What does show fileset show for the fileset when you have both lines?  I think
it will only show the second line, so I'm not sure how it can be working.


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