Hello all,

    I had an 'Exclude Dir Containing = ".exclude"' in the fileset for 
the windows clients. Now, for a "regular" user it's quite difficult to 
rename a file to a ".name" under Windows, besides a name as 
"data.nobackup" is more clear.

    To not search for all the ".exclude" files on the other clients my 
idea was to insert two filenames to use in "Exclude Dir Containing".

    However, as soon as I include two lines:

 > Exclude Dir Containing = ".exclude"
 > Exclude Dir Containing = "data.nobackup"

    the test yields:

"Orphaned buffer:  bacula-dir  9 bytes buf=80d4d60 allocated at 

    Strangely, it works. At least in a way: The directories containing 
either of the filenames are not backed up.

    However, the clients seem to take "forever". Without the error an 
incremental Backup of about 10MiB takes less than a minute, with the two 
lines included the same backup takes about five minutes.

    Both Director and Client are Version: '5.0.2 (28 April 2010)', using 
the stable gentoo ebuild 'app-backup/bacula-5.0.2-r1"

    Is there a way to make bacula accept two filenames to indicate that 
it shall not backup that dir?


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