On 24/08/10, Gavin McCullagh (gavin.mccull...@gcd.ie) wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, 23 Aug 2010, Rados??aw Korzeniewski wrote:
> > 2010/8/23 Marcio Merlone <marcio.merl...@a1.ind.br>
> > 
> > > I was wondering... would be nice to have a maildir backup plugin, where
> > > one could backup a maildir and have its contents indexed and restorable
> > > by sender, subject, date, attachments, etc.. I could try to write one
> > > myself, but wouldn't have the required skills and time. Has anyone ever
> > > though about this? Is it doable?

We do this by making a shadow copy of each email passing through Exim
and storing it in a directory with the day's date using Exim's unique
mail identifier to name the file. While doing this Exim calls a postgres
database and stores the headers in the database. Every night we spin
through the stored files and calculate their sha1sums and then match
these to the records in the database.

This doesn't allow one to very easily deal with Maildirs, but it does
allow one to retrieve specific emails very quickly. All one would need
to do in bacula is to specify the date and id of the specific mail file.

I can provide more information if that is of interest, although it is
outside the scope of your suggestion regarding a specific plugin.

Interestingly, if you used something like Dovecot's dsync to
periodically sync your imap accounts to dbmail, you would get those
headers for free in a database format. But then you would have to have
two copies of all your mail!

Another post-processing technique would be to write something on top of
an imap sync tool (such as the excellent offlineimap
(http://wiki.github.com/jgoerzen/offlineimap/) to see if a mail has been
seen before in a particular folder and if not record its headers in a
database. Note that many imap daemons change the name of the stored
files to record mail flags.


Rory Campbell-Lange

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