
> If i want to enable hardware compression so i can use 320GB from
> my VS1 tapes

2:1 hardware compression for general data is quite an optimistic figure,
but I am sure you already know that...

> mt -f /dev/nst0 defcompression 1, correct?

"mt defcompression" controls the default compression setting, i.e.
whether hw compression is enabled when the drive is powered up. If you
just want to change the current setting you should use "mt compression".

> Is there any way to enable and disable hardware compression using bacula
> before a job starts..?

On a per-job basis, none that I know of (without resorting to
RunScript-driven kludges). If you want compression to be always on or
always off you can add the above mentioned command to mtx-changer, just
after the wait-for-ready loop invocation. This way compression is
enabled or disabled automatically every time a tape is loaded for use.


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