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I'm not certain. I'm sure it's in the documentation. However, if "ls -c"
shows all the same timestamp, I'd think that this has something to do
with it.

Jordi Augé wrote:
> When I do "ls -l" in one of the directories being backed up, the timestamps 
> shown are normal, each file has its own, mostly quite old modification date, 
> and these have no easy correlation to any of the backups I've made.
> The modification timestamp shown on "ls -l" is the same Bacula relies on, 
> right?
> ----- Missatge Original -----
> De: "Ryan Novosielski" <novos...@umdnj.edu>
> A: "Jordi Augé" <jo...@auge.cat>
> Cc: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Enviat: Dimecres, 16 de Juny 16el 2010 15:21:18
> Assumpte: Re: [Bacula-users] Incremental backups always full size
> Jordi Augé wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am having a problem with a Bacula 5.0.1 installation. It's an Ubuntu
>> 10.04 server, and Bacula's been installed from the Ubuntu
>> repositories.
>> I'm backing up about 165 GB of data onto files and I'd like to make
>> the backups incremental.
>> The problem is, while the log shows that it's supposed to be doing an
>> incremental backup, the saved data will always be the full size, even
>> if it hasn't changed since the last full backup.
>> This is the log for the first (full) backup:
>> http://pastebin.com/iwagCjVw This is the log for the second
>> (incremental) backup: http://pastebin.com/2FGR15qM
>> This is the bacula director configuration file:
>> http://pastebin.com/RnKmxcYR
> Do you run any process that would change the timestamp on the files? In
> one case, for example, I had a machine that was getting backed up
> another way as well as Bacula and that other backup was touching all of
> the files. If I recall, it uses the "change" time (ls -c) but I could be
> wrong.

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|Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Sr. Systems Programmer
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