I think I've spoken too early..

I don't have a mistake now, but nothing happens.. 

lan-backup01-dir shell command: run BeforeJob
 BeforeJob: Connecting to Director lan-backup01:9101
 BeforeJob: 1000 OK: lan-backup01-dir Version: 5.0.1 (24 February 2010)
 BeforeJob: Enter a period to cancel a command.
 BeforeJob: mount storage=Tape
 BeforeJob: Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog
 BeforeJob: Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
 BeforeJob: 3001 OK mount requested. Device="LTO-2" (/dev/st0)
 BeforeJob: You have messages.
 Start Backup JobId 146, Job=BackupCvsOnTape.2010-05-27_10.24.19_41

I remember the old times when recycling was working, I saw in the log the
prune, recycle, relabel etc.

There is nothing here, the process is frozen..

Any idea ?

John M. Drescher wrote:
> On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 10:20 AM, John Drescher <dresche...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 9:57 AM, John Drescher <dresche...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> I've a problem (I guess) cause bacula doesn't recycle my tape, even
>>>> when
>>>> volume retention is over.
>>>> Here is the pool part of my bacula-dir.conf :
>>>> # Tape Pool definition
>>>> Pool {
>>>>  Name = TapePool
>>>>  Pool Type = Backup
>>>>  Recycle = yes                       # Bacula can automatically recycle
>>>> Volumes
>>>>  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes
>>>>  Volume Use Duration = 18 hours
>>>>  Volume Retention = 20 days         # one year
>>>>  Maximum Volumes = 1                 # Limit number of Volumes in Pool
>>>>  Maximum Volume Jobs = 2
>>>>  Label Format = "Day-"
>>>> }
>>>> Look at the tape day-20A (retention period and the last written thing)
>>>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/47940...@n08/4641302169/sizes/l/
>>>> And now look at the error (1month after the last written thing on the
>>>> tape,
>>>> bacula seems to not recycle the tape..)
>>>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/47940...@n08/4641307241/sizes/l/
>>>> There is a problem, right ?
>>>> --
>>> Yes there is a problem with your configuration. You have it configured
>>> to use only 1 volume. Write up to 2 jobs on that 1 volume then wait 20
>>> days until it can be used again. I do not think this is what you want.
>> I missed the other condition. On top of a maximum of 2 jobs to a
>> volume you limit the volume to 18 hours of usage. So the second job
>> must be started within 18 hours of the first.
> Sorry. I see what you mean from the pictures. I would still get rid of
> Maximum Volumes = 1 because that may be confusing bacula since you
> have way more than 1 volume in the pool.
> John
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