skipunk wrote:
> After returning to my office this morning, I had found the server was 
> connected to a 10/100 switch.  I had moved it to the rack and connected it to 
> the switch 10/100/1000 and nic 1 pulls 1000 on ethtools
> nic 2 pulls 100 on ethtools.
> After futher investigation, it looks like nic 2 is capped at 100 mb/s.
> Even running on 1 nic, my speeds have jumped up to a max of 8 Mb/s with an 
> avg of 3 - 4 Mb/s when doing backups over the net.
> A little better but not where it should be.
> I'm at a loss for the moment.

I think you mentioned in a previous post that writing a local, multi GB 
file to the drive went at full speed, so your drive is setup OK.

Given it appears that the network is the bottleneck, you will need to 
copy all backup data to the machine local to the drive and then backup 
to tape.

The setup in use here rsyncs remote machines to a fast local RAID5 and 
then bacula is used to tape from there.




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