On 13 May 2010 11:09, Lampzy <lam...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Holger,
> One thing to try is to put Bacula's working directory on a bigger file
> system. If you have spooling enabled (which you probably have) the
> working directory is where Bacula spools attributes i.e. the data it
> needs to save in the database and if you backup a lot of files this
> directory can grow pretty fast. The attributes spooling directory is
> always the working directory regardless where your data spool directory is.

FWIW, you can  configure the spooling directory to go to a different
location than the default. a fast, large local disk works best.
{Beto|Norberto|Numard} Meijome

"I detest people who take short­cuts rather than do things right, because
they leave shit for the rest of us to clean up."

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