
One thing to try is to put Bacula's working directory on a bigger file 
system. If you have spooling enabled (which you probably have) the 
working directory is where Bacula spools attributes i.e. the data it 
needs to save in the database and if you backup a lot of files this 
directory can grow pretty fast. The attributes spooling directory is 
always the working directory regardless where your data spool directory is.

If you don't have spooling enabled... well, give the working directory 
more space just to test it. At least you'll rule out one possible cause 
for failure.


Holger Rauch wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm getting the following error from Bacula (or rather my PostgreSQL
> installation):
> ===
> 12-Mai 06:28 nathan-dir JobId 15: Fatal error: Catalog error creating
> JobMedia record. sql_create.c:145 Create JobMedia record INSERT INTO
> JobMedia
> (JobId,MediaId,FirstIndex,LastIndex,StartFile,EndFile,StartBlock,EndBlock,VolIndex)
> VALUES (15,8,1,4056,4,4,0,11341,1) failed: ERR=ERROR:  could not
> extend relation pg_tblspc/17441/17442/17543: No space left on device
> HINT:  Check free disk space.
> ===
> My PostgreSQL installation resides in /usr/local/pg84, the /usr/local
> file system has plenty of space and inodes available, none of the
> symlinks below the pg_tblspc directory point outside of /usr/local,
> and the entire Bacula database is just ~ 7 MB in size, as the
> corresponding query shows:
> ===
> bacula=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('bacula'));
>  pg_size_pretty 
>  ----------------
>   6974 kB
>   (1 row)
> ===
> The "df -k" and "df -i" outputs of /usr/local
> ===
> df -k /usr/local
>                     Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% 
> Mounted on
> /dev/mapper/newdbrootvg-locallv               991699    252724    718549  27% 
> /usr/local
> df -i /usr/local
>                     Filesystem            Inodes   IUsed   IFree IUse% 
> Mounted on
> /dev/mapper/newdbrootvg-locallv             256000   10163  245837    4% 
> /usr/local
> ===
> ===> Both plenty of space and plenty of inodes available on/for
> /usr/local
> Conclusion: I really don't understand PostgreSQL's "no space left on
> device" message in my particular context/regarding my particular setup.
> Further explanations are really appreciated.
> Thanks in advance & kind regards,
>    Holger
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