On 17/04/2010 12:24 AM, Jon bruce wrote:
> I'm attempting a restore for some windows files.  I've been unable to
> select specific files from file selection mode


     mark "name of employee file"

should do the trick. Note the double quotes. If it doesn't, you've found 
a bug, and it'd be really good to look into because you *should* be able to.

> so I've done a markdir on
> *Employee*.  Bacula comes back with "1 directory marked.", I hit ok to run
> and it sits.

IIRC markdir marks the directory, but doesn't recurse to the files 
within it. That's why it only mentions the directory as being marked. 
Just use "mark".

The built-in help says:

   mark       mark dir/file to be restored recursively in dirs
   markdir    mark directory name to be restored (no files)

Craig Ringer

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