I'm attempting a restore for some windows files.  I've been unable to
select specific files from file selection mode, so I've done a markdir on
*Employee*.  Bacula comes back with "1 directory marked.", I hit ok to run
and it sits.

I get a message that says this ...

16-Apr 11:50 buddha-dir JobId 377: Start Restore Job

list files jobid=377 returns the following ...

| jobid | name         | starttime           | type | level | jobfiles |
jobbytes | jobstatus |
|   377 | RestoreFiles | 2010-04-16 11:50:10 | R    | F     |        0 |  
    0 | R         |

However here I sit, with no files.  Have I screwed something up in my
windows configuration that will not allow me to access the backup?

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