Any Idea? What I should check

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Il Neofita <> wrote:
> Thank you for all the replies
> The  bottleneck is the network or at lest something in the network
> and yes I have an autoloader LTO4
> If I use NC with a file of 10M I need 8 seconds to transfer
> If I use scp I need around 2 seconds
> The same file without compression
> On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 10:10 AM, John Drescher <> wrote:
>>> Yes I am using a tape but should not be the tape
>>> 07-Apr 00:36 angel-sd JobId 1443: Despooling elapsed time = 00:02:34,
>>> Transfer rate = 75.16 M bytes/second
>>> this is with a full backup
>>>  FD Files Written:       2,878,988
>>>  SD Files Written:       2,878,988
>>>  FD Bytes Written:       248,635,057,283 (248.6 GB)
>>>  SD Bytes Written:       249,102,272,590 (249.1 GB)
>>>  Rate:                   18745.1 KB/s
>>> On my mind I was hoping something around 30KB/s
>> You mean 30MB/s.
>> I get 20 to 35MB/s for full backups with LTO2 from a raid5 array to a
>> LTO2 autochanger that is not on the same machine as the raid.
>> It looks like you have an LTO3 changer by the 75MB/s since that is a
>> little low for LTO4 however you named the drive LTO4Driver so I assume
>> its LTO4. I would expect despools of 100MB/s to 120MB/s for LTO4.
>> I would first look to optimize your filesystem performance as this
>> appears to be where the problem is. Is your spooling drive the same as
>> your source data drive? That would kill performance.
>> John

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