Until recently, I was running the server on a Fedora 8 host with bacula 
2.4 and the clients on Fedora 10 hosts with the same version.  Then I 
upgraded one client to Fedora 12 and picked up the 3.0.3 bacula client.  
Okay, so it didn't work, no big deal, the server was past due to be 
upgraded.  So I upgraded to Fedora 12 on the server and picked up the 
3.0.3 bacula server.  But since this upgrade, the 3.0.3 server can't 
talk to the 3.0.3 client.  But it does talk to a 2.4.4 client on a 
Fedora 11 system.

Note that the configuration files were working just fine before the 
upgrade and they're really still there.  I've trying running client in 
the foreground but get no indication that it gets anything.  I can 
telnet to the client port and connect, but have no idea if there is a 
text protocol to ask the FD its status; anything I type seems to just 
get me disconnected.

Any suggestions on what's happening here?


                       PGP Key ID: 66 BC 3B CD
Roland B. Roberts, PhD                             RL Enterprises
rol...@rlenter.com                            6818 Madeline Court
rol...@astrofoto.org                           Brooklyn, NY 11220

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