> Wouldn't DVD be a pretty good solution for this? Perhaps they won't be
> around in 10 years, but I'd count that you could find a working reader.
> At that point you could read the data off and write it to whatever the
> latest, most long-term media happens to be.
> Certainly better than hard drives as far as interface and longevity.

I put DVD somewhere between hard drive and tape closer to hard drive
than tape. DVDs have their own degradation problems especially with RW
media. The inks degrade over time causing the data to be unreadable. I
used to use DVD a little but its way too small for my backups now and
also too labor intensive. I mean 40+ DVDs  versus 1 tape that is
autoloaded. And this does not count the time differences at writing at
30 to 40MB/s versus dvd rates.

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