bacula-users-lists wrote:
> Ok, you've piqued my curiosity - why would one not use disk versus
> ¿tape? as a long term storage medium?  Do you have any sites,
> documentation, whitepapers on the subject?  Even unsupported hunches are
> food for thought - mind sharing?

do not have whitepapers or things like that. but:

* last month my fathers old pc got defective (motherbord, 7 years old). 
Hey, I was little surprised, that i had no machine around with IDE 
connectors .

* i don't know any commodity harddrives with warranty longer than 
5years, wheras tapes are statet to last up to 30years by manufacturers 
(further readings:

anyway, for long term archiving you will hit other problems like: can 
you read your data with the software you will have in 10years or will 
the old software still run? Your restored data will be worth nothing if 
you can't work with it. :)

- Thomas

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