Hello  :-)

I would like to implement a Bacula 5.0.1 system with backup volumes on
internal HDD storage and to have at least two external HDDs which
essentially mirror the internal HDD storage.  The purpose is to have one of
the external HDDs off site at all times.

Is this possible?  

I have studied the Bacula Main Reference (version 5.0.2, 14 February 2010)
and the nearest I've got to a solution is using a Job with Type = Copy:

1. Define a pool (say "Full - external HDD 1") with
     Storage = <name of external HDD 1 Storage definition>
2. Define a pool (say "Full") with
     NextPool = "Full - external HDD 1"
3. Define a job (say named "Update external HDD 1 with Fulls") with
     Type = Copy
     SelectionType = PoolUncopiedJobs

Which should (TM) be OK for a single external HDD but I don't think it will
work for two HDDs because:

* Pool "Full" can only have one NextPool
* If "PoolUncopiedJobs" in "SelectionType = PoolUncopiedJobs" refers to 
  Copy source jobs (not to target Jobs) then jobs already copied to one  
  of the other external HDD will not be copied to this one.



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