3 things that have given me grief due to the windows FD stopping or being 
unresponsive (but still mysteriously running)...
a) buggy network driver--in one case I was able to update the driver to fix.
b) bad network switch or network port
c) infection with a virus/malware that was using up the "max tcp 
connections".  Check the event log for that error.
d) regex in the fileset had a bug but that's been fixed around bacula 
version 2.5 or so.  Along the way I learned that regex was slower to 
process than wilddir and wildfile so I stopped using it for windows 
filesets anyway.

In all cases these issues caused the windows FD to stop during a backup, so 
I hope this helps but if not, you may have to turn on debugging in the FD 
and cross your fingers that it happens and logs what went wrong.


> From: Drew Bentley <bacula.u...@gmail.com>
>> > I can't seem to figure out what's going on because I've never
>> > encountered this issue when backing up a Windows XP client with the
>> > latest version of Bacula.
>> >
>> > I have no problems backing up the client but the file daemon
>> > unexpectedly dies randomly, usually before a backup is even scheduled.
>> >
>> > The error I'm seeing in the event log goes something like this:
>> >
>> > Bacula Error: /home/kern/bacula/k/bacula/src/lib/bsock.c:518
>> > Read error from Director daemon:<hostname of my director>:9101:
>> > ERR=Unknown error
>> >
>> > Above that it complains about local computer and registry info or
>> > message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer, use
>> > /AUXSOURCE=flag to retrieve this description, see Help and Support for
>> > more details.
>> >
>> > Anyone encounter this? Is this machine missing something? I'm not a
>> > Windows guy, more of a Unix guy. Everything seems to work okay when I
>> > restart the FD service and backups run without issues. I have backups
>> > kick off at like 7pm and it always seems to die before 3 or 4pm. No
>> > one really remotes into this machine, it's a Quickbooks machine and
>> > only shares out the Intuit QB stuff to the HR persons machine.
>> >
>> > Any other info I can provide if necessary. I couldn't seem to locate
>> > this type of issue in the mailing list archives.
>> >
>> > -Drew
>> >
> No ideas from anyone?  Now it seems to die without any reports in the
> event viewer or logs.
> -Drew

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