Hi everyone,
I have a couple of problems that I can't quite tackle.
I have an HP MSL4048 48 tape autochanger. What I would like to do is to have
all the tapes fill up, and when the last tape is filled up the first one
should be made available again - so a rotation of tapes. The problem is
there is no specific time period in which I can predict when the tapeset
would fill up, so that I would purge old volumes - I guess there has to be a
better way of doing it?
The second problem is setting up multiple simultaneous jobs. I have set
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
in bacula-dir.conf, bacula-fd.conf and bacula-sd.conf, but I still get one
job running and others waiting on max storage jobs. Is there anything more
that has to be done for that to work?
I would really appreciate any help on any of the two issues.
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