I'm starting a new thread with a more descriptive title than the previous. I apologize for allowing the last thread to get away from the subject.

I've got Bacula up and running, I'm able to use bconsole. I have changed all the passwords in the -dir, -fd, -sd, and bconsole.conf to be the same throughout. In bacula-dir.conf file I have also changed the DirAddress from to the IP of the box. FWIW I am ssh'ed into the bacula box (bedroom) and at this time I'm attempting to backup locally, so there are no firewalls to worry about.

I receive an error in bconsole when trying to get status from the daemons, as below. I have checked that the services exist in /etc/services. Interestingly enough I don't find the daemons mentioned in netstat -aln or ps -A, however bacula-dir is there.  I have not actually tried to run a job yet. I would appreciate a firm slap in the right direction! Thanks in advance.


pad-dir Version: 2.4.4 (28 December 2008) i486-pc-linux-gnu debian 5.0
Daemon started 31-Jan-10 21:18, 1 Job run since started.
 Heap: heap=258,048 smbytes=26,263 max_bytes=27,045 bufs=152 max_bufs=160

Scheduled Jobs:
Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name               Volume
Full           Backup    10  01-Feb-10 00:01    ThinkpadFull       *unknown*

Running Jobs:
No Jobs running.
No Terminated Jobs.
Connecting to Storage daemon iomega1tb at tpad:9103

Failed to connect to Storage daemon iomega1tb.
Connecting to Client tpad-fd at tpad:9102
Failed to connect to Client tpad-fd.
31-Jan 21:41 tpad-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: bsock.c:129 Unable to connect to Storage daemon on tpad:9103. ERR=Connection refused
31-Jan 21:41 tpad-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: bsock.c:129 Unable to connect to Client: tpad-fd on tpad:9102. ERR=Connection refused

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